Winter is here and with it brings new problems to deal with in our yards and landscape. We will go through a few useful tips to help keep your fescue lawn thriving.
- If the conditions are right water your yard. Especially if you seeded in the Fall. If the lawn is not frozen or covered in snow and the temperature is above freezing add some moisture
to help keep the grass green and keep the new seed growing.
- Minimize foot traffic if the ground is frozen.
- Move your decorations around. If possible try to move your holiday decorations here and there to avoid compacted grass.
- Don't mow your grass too low for the last mow. Fescue will need minimal mowing during the winter if any at all. Fescue is best when mow heights are around 2 to 3 inches.
- Focus on fertilizer in the Fall instead of the early spring.
- Keep large leaves off the yard. Whether it's by mulching the leaves into smaller ones that can biodegrade or by raking up the leaves. Keeping large amounts of leaves off your yard
will help the lawn get the moisture and sunlight it needs.